Softly she counted me.
I was the least of her worry
And the height of her joy.
Her unexpected one.
Her quiet one.
Her stolen one.
Her simple one.
I was the one whose eyes
Meant the meaning of nut brown and purity
And never cried.
I was the one whose lips
Touched her breasts
With tender essence of peace.
I was the one whose hair
Held her love and her tears
In its locks.
I was the one whose gentle grace
Shared nothing but kindness and care.
I was the one who accepted Fate
With sincerity.
I was the one
Whose heart could not be mended.
I am the one forever blowing bubbles.
Baby bubbles in the air.
And giggles.
And by the time snow begins to fall
I will be gone.
It will be falling in Kyoto
All around.
The lane will be gone.
The bridge will be gone.
Buried in white
The way to my grave will vanish from sight.