Sentenced to more than a chilling 43 years in prison. For being critical, on SOCIAL MEDIA, of THAILAND’s monarchy. A former civil servant in the Thai Revenue Department for nearly 30 years, Anchan Preelert, age 65. In response to, to silence, democracy-reform protests in that country. Demanding the King be held accountable under the constitution. Amnesty International expresses dismay.
Thailand cannot heal without help from the rest of the world. Thailand cannot end isolationism without seeing that they need the world and that the world still needs them. Caught up in a maelstrom of fear and nationalism, Thailand cannot hope for a great sea change without multilateral cooperation and a declaration of interdependence. Alliance first. Paris climate accords second.
Verse 17: Preservation of meaningful life on Earth depends upon world respect for the Earth’s limited resources ….
Verse 4: All persons born are born with the right to freely communicate their thoughts, conscience, faith, and conviction, circumscribed only at the point where the exercise of those rights interferes with another’s freedom of speech.
There is no freedom of speech, truth, fact, and honesty within walls of lies.
Grant Anchan Preelert freedom, in your country or ours.