Outside Wisteria Junior High CLAYTON (stage left) is sitting on the wall.
He is reading Chess Life, his back resting up against the J of the wall, feet stretched out before him, his backpack resting on the ground.
As CLAYTON is reading, SHAWN (stage right) is assisted into the Nurse’s office by two other female students. Her wrists have been cut and are bleeding (not life-threatening). The Nurse bandages them. The two other female students walk with her out of the Nurse’s office, and then exit the stage. SHAWN walks slowly in Clayton’s direction.
Meanwhile, GRAHAM comes running up to CLAYTON, panting, waving one arm in the air (books under the other).
Let me tell you, Clayt.
[beat, out of breath] You won’t believe it!… You won’t believe it!
[beat] What just happened.
[uninterested] What, Graham?
[still catching his breath] Shawn….
In the girl’s bathroom…. Slit his wrists.
Yeah, right there…. With a box cutter…. Blood everywhere.
CLAYTON drops the Chess Life and jumps down.
She what?…
Oh my God!
In the girl’s bathroom?
That’s what I just said, isn’t it?