I Am the Two

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I believe the soul
I feel it
Comes to you.
When you’re ready quietly.

But this early?
By all accounts
There’s something brooding in me
Nine years soon.

I am the two I am.
Body-mind and soul.

With light and tenderness
Vague words bubbling under water
My blue soul coming in to fill me
An ancient angel child resting in God.

She wants to know me better
In the time
Before her eternal journey begins
Away from me.

What I have to say
Life is paradise with dark holes in it.

How is a man judged?
Success and gifts to wife and children?
Or for my unsuccesses?
How I bore them?

My greatest love was raising children
And writing birth the children of my soul’s doing
And now she has for me
Nine new years child-raising before my work is done.

She comes to us who has always been with us
Something we can barely discern, not describe, but feel.

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