The Big C

Photo by Chevanon Photography from Pexels

Happiness, when it sings,
Sings liked a songbird
On the hillcrest of contentment.

The journey to big C begins at five:
Good physical health.
Perky in the day, pleasantly spent by time for dreams.

Companionship of a fellow soul
Whose presence alone is enough to fill the peace –
Many words not necessary; just smiles and the right ones.

An identified life purpose
Wrapped with patience for imperfection, loved, and shared.

Confidence in the good grace of our neighbors
In the honest, well-meant efforts of our government.

Fifth: Freedom from haunting worries
Be they monetary, material, ethereal, or noisy.
Be they self-made within, or walking on eggshells without.

For who can be content if living in hunger, pain, or abuse?
Who can be content who distrusts their neighbors?
Who can be content, repelled by cold-hearted acts of their country?

Of the human creature it can well be said:
We are a mixture of community consciousness and selfishness.
Selfishness is seldom ever, or never, content.

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