Wild Strings

Photo by Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

I understand something I don’t understand.
The soul begins to come out.
As in birth
But not.
And it expresses
Totally wordlessly
As though it wants to know us in the moment
While we can.
Even though I think my soul already knows me.
And our feelings begin to merge
And old things that used to hurt don’t hurt that way anymore.
Old griefs I’ve felt
Like bursting from inside me
From nowhere and everywhere
And I’m breathing the sorrow in
And I can’t breathe it out
And something else.
We’re going to part.
My soul’s path and my path are going to part
After my life can no longer be redealt
No longer be rebuilt into a dream of wife, and child, going home to
In warmth.
Hearts beating
And by Someday we need to embrace
To take each other as we are on our separate ways with us.

Strings of memories.
Autumn of eternity.
Wild strings
To tie together.

And I think
How much the soul is like me

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